YouTube, the video-sharing platform owned by Google, has unveiled an updated design and a wide range of features that were previously in beta testing. This announcement comes several months after celebrating its 17th anniversary. Google has made the dark theme even darker. Links in video descriptions on YouTube have been transformed into buttons, and action buttons like like, share, and download have been redesigned to reduce distractions. Additionally, pinch-to-zoom and precise video seeking capabilities have been introduced to the platform.
According to a blog post from the company, YouTube will utilize dynamic color sampling to subtly adjust the background color of the app to match the video being viewed, creating an effect reminiscent of screens in a darkened room. This ambient mode enhances focus. The dark theme, now even darker, makes the colors in videos stand out more, providing a better viewing experience. These changes will be available on the web, mobile devices, and smart TVs.
YouTube links in video descriptions will now appear as buttons, and the like, share, and download buttons have been redesigned to minimize distractions. The subscribe button on YouTube’s video player has also been revamped, featuring a new shape and higher contrast while departing from its previous red color. These button modifications aim to improve accessibility on watch and channel pages, as explained by Google.
The platform has introduced a pinch-to-zoom feature for iOS and Android devices, allowing users to zoom in and out of videos with a simple pinch gesture. Furthermore, a precise seeking feature has been added to enhance the playback experience on desktop and mobile devices. This feature enables users to drag or swipe up to access a scrollable row of thumbnails while seeking, facilitating precise navigation to the desired frame.
YouTube’s refreshed design and new features are now being made available to users worldwide, starting today.